The job-searching process can be a pain (and we’re speaking from experience), but does it have to be? Endless scrolling through pages of vacancies and hours of interviews can be pretty overwhelming, and we’re here to propose a different approach.
Finding the desired job offer comes with hours of research and scavenging job platforms for the right fit — the average job search is estimated to take 11 hours per week and lasts anywhere from 2 to 6 months. Moreover, it could take up to 10 to 20 applications to land one interview.
why the modern job search takes so long
It’s no secret that over the past few years the job-seeking (and, for many, the actual work) process has almost completely moved online. More than 80% of all applicants search for job openings via job platforms (such as ours ;)). This results in a huge amount of applications for a single position. On average, each corporate job offer attracts around 250 résumés. Only 4 to 6 of these candidates will get called in for interviews, and, naturally, only one will get the job.
Most of today’s mainstream job search platforms offer minimal information and centre around title and location which, while important, might not be exhaustive enough to you as a job seeker (we talk about what talents are looking for today here). Researching every company’s corporate policy and employee scores is time-consuming and may stretch over quite a few websites. For female talent, this presents an additional challenge, since important information such as the company’s equal opportunity policies for all genders, and catering to women’s needs at the workplace is not often easily accessible.
Adjusting your search strategy to better suit your needs is a starting point that could simplify and benefit your experience as a job seeker.

Finding a company that puts people first can be a tough task.
You know what makes it easier? Having recruiters work for you. Yup, joining a talent pool is a surefire way to get actual offers that don’t waste your time.
one résumé to rule them all
So, what is a talent pool you might ask?
A talent pool is a pool of talents (duh) that independent recruiters can access to find the perfect match for specific companies they work for.
Ok ok, so what does it mean for you as talent exactly?
Recruiters will look at your profile and what you are looking for and match you with suitable open positions. So your profile will only be forwarded to these companies if the recruiter considers it a match. This saves time for both sides, of course.
We might be biased, but our own talent pool is pretty awesome. Here’s how it works:
No long motivation letters, no ghosting, no nothing.
Think about it: matching up with an employer that is actually interested in your skills instead of knocking on every door in hopes of an offer is bound to have a higher success rate. Moreover, not having to dig through corporate policies to find an employer you are interested in and can trust is a pleasant bonus.
A personalized selection of job openings delivered right to your inbox helps save you time by removing hours of research and the need to complete dozens of applications to vacancies that might just not be a match. Instead, you can spend your newfound time upgrading your CV and preparing for your interview, making yourself an even stronger candidate.
taking the guesswork out of your job search
“It’s pretty cool, we work with really awesome companies that are eager to get to know you. By joining our talent pool, we’ll simply reach out once we’ve found a perfect match for you. We do all the work, it’s that simple. So it’s literally the easiest way these days to land your dream job.”
- Tanja Sternbauer, co-founder of the female factor.
Yeah, we know, pretty impressive.

As opposed to spending hours upon hours on your job search, which might result in fruitless interviews and no-shows, joining a talent pool provides you with more secure matches and eliminates the need for countless motivation letters and resumes. Standing out among hundreds of applicants can boost your career search and save you precious time. So, how about you stop waiting on calls and start making money? Sign up to the talent pool & get matched with your dream job.
about the female factor
The female factor is a global community aiming to close the leadership gap by enabling the next generation of female leaders to get their seat at the table. The organization recently launched Europe’s first job platform for inclusive companies, supporting employers to attract and retain female talents.